Product Details
Tanzania Kiboko
Single origin
100% Arabica
Region: Mbozi, Mbeya and Mbinga
Processing: Fully washed
Bean size: AB
Sourced from a network of washing stations across Mbozi, Mbeya & Mbinga, in Tanzania’s Southern Highlands. Farmers process hand harvested cherry on their own farms. Individual processing methods vary from farm to farm - generally, cherry is pulped using either an eco-pulper or standard pulper and then fermented. The parchment is dried on raised beds for 14-20 days, and then rested for 2-3 months in cooperative warehouses before being transferred to mills in either Mbozi or Mbinga, districts to be prepared for export.
Tasting: Clean, juicy textured cup with notes of milk chocolate, lemon, orange and blackcurrant. Sweet citric acidity carries through to a sweet vanilla finish.